Shanghai DMIPS Investment Co., Ltd

10+ years China Quality Supplier

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Shanghai DMIPS Investment Co., Ltd Wycieczka po fabryce

Chiny Shanghai DMIPS Investment Co., Ltd Certyfikaty
Chiny Shanghai DMIPS Investment Co., Ltd Certyfikaty
I want to say that your products very good. Thank you for all your suggestion, also good after sales service.

—— Mr Abílio Cipriano

You always can give me the best plan ,and it lets my customer feel great,i hope we can have another chance to cooperation.

—— Tim

We trust the quality of your products. It always the best. Keep this going, and we will establish a long-term trade relationship with you.

—— Mr Zero

Im Online Czat teraz
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Shanghai DMIPS Investment Co., Ltd Shanghai DMIPS Investment Co., Ltd
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Shanghai DMIPS Investment Co., Ltd Shanghai DMIPS Investment Co., Ltd
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  • Linia produkcyjna

    Dobrym sposobem na rozszerzenie działalności firmy jest dodanie do istniejącej linii produktów. Wynika to z faktu, że ludzie częściej kupują produkty marek, które już znają. Na przykład firma mrożonej pizzy może chcieć zwiększyć swój udział w rynku, dodając do swojej linii produktów mrożone paluszki chlebowe i mrożone makarony.

  • OEM / ODM

    An original design manufacturer (ODM) is a company which designs and manufactures a product which is specified and eventually branded by another firm for sale. Such companies allow the brand firm to produce (either as a supplement or solely) without having to engage in the organization or running of a factory. ODMs have grown in size in recent years and many are now sufficient in size to handle production for multiple clients, often providing a large portion of overall production. A primary attribute of this business model is that the ODM owns and/or designs in-house the products that are branded by the buying firm. This is in contrast to a contract manufacturer (CM).

Szczegóły kontaktu
Shanghai DMIPS Investment Co., Ltd

Osoba kontaktowa: Mr. zhang

Tel: 18728278889

Faks: 86-189-5454-7799

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